Eric Francois

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since Mar 18, 2021
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I confirm that I got your e-mail, Devaka, just not the confirmation e-mails. However Kate's suggestion to add this address as secondary e-mail worked fine as it does not require confirmation and that did give me access to her book from Kickstarter! Thanks for the suggestion!

I need to create an account under my Kickstarter e-mail but when I try, the confirmation mail never arrives (not in the spam box either). I finally used my gmail address and tried to change the e-mail after the account is created, but the same problem persists.

I've seen some systems insisting that I made a typo when entering my address and want to change the ending to "ru", but it so happens that I live in Luxembourg with "lu" ending and not is Russia, so I'm not sure if your system also tries to autocorrect this, thinking it's smarter than the user?