New Permaculture forest business is Looking for Partners and Workers. Pacific North West Forest system, outside of Willits, CA
Women or men who want to Join our efforts to improve the health of a small piece of the forest and help preserve the forest, all while earning a high income.
I am starting a new company to grow wild gourmet mushrooms and rent out forest cabins to those wanting a fun weekend hunting wild mushrooms. In this amazingly beautiful forest area. People earn $130 for 3-hour guided wild mushroom hunts. The local motel in town is where to find the Asian buyers for our prized Golden Chanterelles and Morels. Both of which grow on my 40+ acres.
There are eight buildings; 3 Cabins, 1 Greenhouse, 1 Garden Shed, 1 Garage, 1 Mushroom House, and a Utility building. The Redwoods, Douglas Firs, Oaks, and Madrones that are thick and healthy with old-growth logging trails make ATV travel fun and helpful for less active guests. Chickens are in a fenced garden in a coop with a run. The Garden area is around an acre.
Airbnb will list this rental as a destination rental $$$.
"Forest Haven will Guarantee you find wild mushrooms no matter when you book the cabin for the weekend."
Sound like a good idea? Call me. I need workers and Partners/workers, not money. Yes, I could hire it all out, but who will take over when I am gone? Partners are who are needed in the peaceful, beautiful forest.
You can email me at
Location: Outside a town called Willits, CA, In the Pacific Northwest Rainforest.
WARNING: This wild land with black bears and other Apex predators. No fences; they were here first. We are off-grid, and many hazards make it a poor choice for small children.