David Ide

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since Apr 14, 2021
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Here I am, feeding crimped Oats to my chickens like I've been doing for over 43 years.  Where are all of my dying and dead chickens?  Where is all the mountains of glucan inside my chickens digestive tracts?  There is none, because it was a lie.  Feeding Oats to chickens gives me more eggs, longer chicken life, thicker shells, gorgeous feathers, healthy weight.....I mean the list goes on and on......   The BIG LIE that oats will kill your chickens is being spread by Purina's CHICKEN CHICK.  The "Chicken Chick" is the one responsible for spreading Purina's lie that oatmeal is deadly to chickens. Don't believe her lie. She's an attorney for Purina, and her pockets run very deep with Purina Mills. She isn't even very well informed about keeping chickens. Instead it's all about appearances with her.  She is more of a lifestyle brand who is using social media to launch herself than she is a poultry expert. Misinformation abounds. Look to your cooperative extension, poultry scientists, and hobbyists with decades of experience for better answers.  
3 years ago
Below is another picture that Purina uses to scare people with their one person paper study. Here they show a dramatization of the effects of oatmeal on a chickens digestive system. It's not a real picture! It doesn't exist, so they had to create this fake one in this picture below. They never used any living chickens in their one person paper study.
3 years ago
The following is a deceiving picture that Purina's uses to scare people. Here they claim to show the effects of oatmeal on a chicken's digestive system. Instead of showing the intestine of an actual chicken who had actually eaten oatmeal, they use a stock photo of an intestine from a diseased bird with unrelated necrotic enteritis. Purina can only use these dramatizations because they have no evidence.
3 years ago
I have fed my chickens oats and oatmeal for over 43 years with NO problems.  Zero problems.  Purina made up this lie and did one crappy biased study. They paid 1 person in Kentucky to give their opinion that oatmeal causes fatal problems to a chickens digestive system, and that you should only feed them store bought Purina chicken feed. No living chickens were used in their study, and it was all done on paper. Their findings were deceptive, misleading, and false.

Purina knows that your feed bill will be cut in half if you feed oats to your chickens.....so why would Purina want you to feed your chickens oats?  They DON'T want you to feed your chickens oats!  Purina is trying to stop you from buying oats for your chickens with their "Oats Are Bad For Chickens" campaign.  Purina would lose millions of dollars every year if everyone did fed their birds oats.

Did you know that every major chicken farm in the United States feed their chickens up to 40% oats?  Purina knows this....... So why doesn't Purina go after the chicken farms? Because chicken farms make their own chicken feed and don't buy any Purina feed.

Purina targets us, the backyard chicken raising enthusiast. We are their cash cow. So Purina targets the little guy with their campaign of lies that oatmeal is deadly to chickens. Hmmmm... Ya........ See where I'm going with this?

The only ones pushing the "no oatmeal for chickens" is from those who have special interests in making money with Purina. Did you know that Purina is a HUGE sponsor of the "Chicken Chick"?  Yup......Purina teamed up with the "Chicken Chick" to help spread their lies and she is one of the reasons for this oatmeal misinformation on the internet.  The Chicken Chick refuses to admit to the science because it's all about greed. So be PLEASE be careful who you read warnings about oatmeal from.
Below is a FIVE year science experiment study that was actually done with LIVING chickens.  Purina doesn't want you to see this.  
Here's the link -
3 years ago