I have just purchased 95 acres of woodland and some open areas in WV. It seems to be Tick heaven there are so many. I am trying to formulate a plan to put a dent in their numbers.
1) Use tick tubes
2) Use a CO2 generator such as the Mosquito Magnet. The idea being to attract the little buggers towards the device and also spray the area liberally with Steinernema and Heterorhabditis nematodes. The ticks become infected with the nematodes, which then reproduce and are released back into the soil. Ideally the tick would spread the new nematodes across the area (where ever ticks like to hang out for their next meal). The nematodes reproduce and are dispersed naturally to the infect their next hosts, and so on and so on.
3) Guineas. Although I would just release them into the woodland to get on with it.
Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated.