braun reinhold

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since May 03, 2021
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Recent posts by braun reinhold

Well this is interesting, my thrown together gasifier stove is definitely producing heat. The top ring from an old hibachi pot is melting, its not hot enough to slough off but it's creating little puddled balls on the top and bottom. When I find my camera I'll try to post a picture. or maybe I'll get one of my tech savvy daughters to use their phone and upload it. I scabbed it together form an old stainless steel pot (inner burn chamber), and an old chinese aluminum pot outside. and four replacement beauty rings for a gas stove, and some scrap angle iron I had laying around. They appear to be surviving but I found the observation of my top support ring (aluminum) trying to melt interesting.  
3 years ago
Thank you Jack for the welcome, I love building stuff. I've never considered myself anything more than a tinkewright LOL
Thank you Bud,
3 years ago
Hello Folks,
I'm retired and have lived a full and exciting life (I'm a lucky man). I currently reside in S.E. Asia and very busy raising a family on my SS from the States. I've been a Fabricator, Machinist, and Mechanic most of my life among other endeavors. I've had three shops in America and would shut them down and move into another field depending on the economy. But every time I reopened a shop I was swamped within 3 to 6 months, because I unconditionally guaranteed every project I designed and built for one year. I never advertised and relied on satisfied customers to spread the word. That said I am planning to open a shop and build it a piece at a time, until I have all the equipment to do the magic again. Recently I threw together a quasi gasifier stove (outdoor model), I didn't measure anything and just eyeballed it, it works sort of but produces a lot of creosote and smoke, which equates to not enough air and heat generated to burn it off. I believe a properly insulated J-Tube or even a K-tube with a taller riser will solve that problem. My plan is to build a combo oven and stove for my wife (Indoor Type) and run it off of one tube, with louvers to direct the heat where I want it? As I build this and my shop I will happily share my designs with you so if anyone wishes to follow me down the rabbit hole and hopefully improve on what pops out of my old brain would be a good thing. Several brains are better than one but you have to be careful not to get into what I call analysis paralysis, where you never get beyond the concept phase of your project. It's better to push forward ad learn from your mistakes and those of others.
Now that everybody on the forum knows I'm half nuts I'm pleased to meet you and help if I can.
braun reinhold.  
3 years ago