Jessica Jordan

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since May 03, 2021
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Singer/artist/gardener, SAHM of some fantastic kiddos, wife to a quiet brilliant tech-nerd. Learning practical skills since grade school and getting overly excited whenever witnessing a child put something into practice that he observed. Always wanting more perma-community who love to grow things and don’t consider growing food & chickens “crazy”.
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Raleigh, NC- USA
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Recent posts by Jessica Jordan

As it’s been a few months, I’d love to know if any previous posters successfully canned ivy soap in individual portions.
I’d also love to know if anyone has tried this in their dishwasher.
This past year we finally got a freeze dryer and I have toyed with the idea of making a condensed ivy solution, freezing into cubes then freeze drying into small shelf stable portions.
I’m all for experimenting and will report back if I do this, but please share if you guys have already done this! Thanks
5 months ago
Last year while pregnant, I’d text my midwife constantly with “is this plant safe?!” questions & pictures. One thing she encouraged me to consume was nettles (any and all) and DANDELION! She said “any chance you get, eat dandelion.” There are no contraindications, it’s loaded with good nutrients for mom&baby, and it can be added to smoothies or salads or stirfry or tea… so many possibilities. I also like dandelion “coffee” when pregnant since I try to limit my caffeine intake to one cup a day; caffeine free herbs fit the bill.

Summer purslane is another great pregnancy forage for all that omega-3, but I tried not to go too wild on any tart herb assuming it has a higher oxalic acid content. Wasn’t worried about smaller amounts tho.
2 years ago
Just yesterday I added zucchini flour to my remaining dredge (egg/milk/breadcrumbs leftover from frying eggplant) along with some shredded cheddar. Fried them up in some tallow as fritters! My son exclaimed that it was the “best fritter ever even tho it looked like vomit.” Guess I’ll have to work on presentation.
Have not used zucchini flour in a baked bread recipe yet but I’ll report back when I do.
2 years ago
I’ve only used a hand crank mill so far in my short grain grinding endeavors, so I’m thrilled for even the possibility of winning such an awesome mill. What a cool giveaway!
3 years ago