Brandon Mitchell

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since May 06, 2021
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To be able to turn my machinery inside the mill, using 3 500 gpm pumps, instead of a mill dam which is not a possibility at this point.  
3 years ago
Anyone know of any overshot wheels that uses a recirculating pump to draw water out of tail race back up to flume? Any that I can go visit?
3 years ago
Does anyone know of mills with overshot wheels being fed water by use of inverted pumps in the SC, NC, VA, TN area?
3 years ago
Thank you Carl for the response.... I will utilize the info you shared.
If I want to make the components inside the mill work, then how would one go about figuring that up?
3 years ago
I am in the middle of restoring my family's old grist mill. My grandfather started using a power unit in 1947 instead of sluices and a mill dam.  I would like to return to a water run mill.
Instead of the original mill dam that was used, but now extinct, I am going to run water in by use of pipe. However; I need to know what size pipe I need to run my overshot wheel.  4,6,8,10 inch?
My overshot wheel is metal and is 24 ft tall, 72 buckets, buckets are 24 inches wide, and 7 1/2 inches deep.  Any ideas, formulas, or suggestions would be much appreciated.  
3 years ago