Zylith Nightstream

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since May 30, 2021
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Recent posts by Zylith Nightstream

Anne Miller wrote:

Oil must be edible and not made from petroleum

I asked Mr. Google who said that Mineral oil is "refined petroleum-based hydrocarbons"

I would have to say that even if it is food grade it is still a petroleum product.

Makes sense.
2 years ago
Would Food-Grade mineral oil be okay? I have 2/3 of a gallon of the stuff, & one of its many purposes is to oil wooden kitchenware & food prep surfaces like cuttingboards.
2 years ago
I got my first BB in a while up today, greasing some hinges. It is a small step, but an important one. I have been trying to find someone nearby with cows or goats to milk, but so far no one has gotten in contact with me about the posts I put out to look for this. Oh well. Some things will take time. That is the nature of things when you live in the city, & not in a rural area.
2 years ago
I went with food-based fat, rather than lithium grease. Some Plant Butter, because that is what I had on hand. Solid at room temperature.
2 years ago
Thank you Paul. Though I do not consider it a failure until I have given up, & I never will. These are not failures I have experienced, but merely delays. Success is inevitable.
2 years ago
The reboot.
29/07/22 - Optimistic, & very hot from the heatwave that is still ongoing.
So life pulled me away from what I was trying to pursue again, but I am back stronger than before. With a new name that I am finally happy with (Zylith) for the long term; #TransGoals. If you knew how many names it took me just to find a first name I was truly happy with... XD.
I am hoping to really buckle down again on my studies here, & have set a progress goal of reaching a certain level of self-sufficiency by Spring of 2025. I can outline specific PEP goals once I take a thorough look at the badges again.
I will strive to maintain an attitude of constant improvement. Stronger than I was yesterday. If I keep this mindset in focus, I think I can keep hold of my dreams. Time will tell.
"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived." - Henry David Thoreau
2 years ago
Congratulations to all those who've recently gotten their BB5 Certification!
3 years ago
I'm very interested, & would like to hear more. If you are still looking for people, my email is BloomsBeautifulBugs@gmail.com. I am living inside Seattle right now.
3 years ago
Those pollen baskets are LOADED.
3 years ago
Thank you! It's been fun, & now it's time for me to push for BB20.
3 years ago