Olren Wayne

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since Aug 14, 2021
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Recent posts by Olren Wayne

Is Wheaton Labs accessible by bicycle? I'd likely have to ride in from Missoula.
3 years ago
Seems there are so many options for Paul Wheaton Labs. What is best for me to do? I'd like to try staying there for a while to learn as many skills as possible, then either return to the rat race, or sell my home, quit my job, and go live my dream of homesteading (possibly returning to Paul Wheaton Labs?). I'll save money any way I can, and do work trade anytime possible. Do I just get on the waiting list? or something else? I currently have only limited experience in natural building and gardening.
3 years ago
Thank you for informing me of this... It looks like such a great event. Unfortunately, the Maine part of my trip will be over by that point, unless I reschedule everything last minute. Now I'm debating what to do!
3 years ago
Hello all.
    I'm planning a trip to Maine for September. I thought I'd visit The Good Life Center (Nearings' old homestead) while I'm there. Anyone know of anything else educational that I might be able to do while near Maine's coast? I'll likely be riding a bicycle for most of the trip. It's sort of a long eco-village, homesteading, ecological lifestyle tour.

3 years ago