Mike Luksch

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since Aug 31, 2021
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Heck yea thats what I was thinking to. Wasn't sure if I should worry about an actual waterproofing paint. I found something recently that said straight cement and water to a paint like consistency would waterproof as well. Most of the articles im finding they pour the base first with rebar stubs to tie into and then the sides after it cures. Will that make it difficult to seal between the 2 since they are different pours?

Also is everyone in agreement that a 1 part cement to 3 part sand mix is the way to make it? Even the base?

Thanks for the replies so far.
3 years ago
I would like to make it 8ft round and 2 ft tall. Those are definitly durable but super expensive if I can make a cement one for the same cost but would last an entire lifetime id rather that. It will be above ground.
3 years ago
I have had a couple water trough and had leaks with all of them. Galvanized, poly, most reliable was cut down barrels. Id like to have a bigger one for holding more volume for cattle and wildlife. It will be fed from a water catchment system so leaks are a big no no for me. I've read some on ferro cement but it says it has to stay moist for 30 days and this will be built in a remote enough location that I won't be there to keep it wet for 30 days. Are there other options? I'm not opposed to bagged cement but as this will be my first project like this im not sure what works best and have struggled to find much online info from other people that built something similar. I think they call them rcc tanks?

Waterproofing ideas are a poly liner or even a paint on water proofer. I know for a shower I used this stuff called redgaurd one time and figured it would work for a water tank.

Thanks for any info.
3 years ago