Ellen Naylor

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since Sep 12, 2021
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Recent posts by Ellen Naylor

Kwikfly now has shorts available with the full zipper all the way around in black and camouflage.  


Steph Michelle wrote:Is there any more information on those pants?  Link to the kickstarter?

I found heavy duty pants with lots of pockets
and a full zipper from front to back.  
I would be interested in knowing what your IgG test results were for HSV.  How often does anyone here have that blood test done?  

I have had success for my HSV-2 with Monolaurin pellets, Korean Red Ginseng, Astragulas, and Bioflavonoids in addition to the usual cast of helpers ie Lysine, Green Tea, and Vit D.  Olive Leaf Extract with a minimum 25% Oleuropein Extract works well during an OB.  Lactoferrin is also one of my daily regulars.  I also take daily probiotics that include Saccharomyces boulardii and Lactobacillus planetarium.  

So much info now out there online!  One thing to be aware of when using mushrooms is that they are high in arginine...so is Ginger and Vitamin C.  
3 years ago