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Nathaniel Allred

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since Oct 14, 2021
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Recent posts by Nathaniel Allred

Have you looked at LanguageTool (website here: It is a chrome extension/plugin with a free tier. I haven't personally used it and have no affiliation with them, but it seems like it offers a similar set of features to Grammarly. Not sure how their quality and support compares to Grammarly.

Chrome web store link:

Looks like the same people also make an extension that is compatible with google docs:

Another plus is that its source code is open core, meaning anyone can audit the (available parts of the) code. Source code here:
2 years ago
Thanks, Tereza and Andres, these are both great!
De permacultura en español en general. Sobre todo, busco recursos para ampliar mi vocabulario de la tema de permacultura en español.

(Of permaculture in Spanish in general). More than anything, I'm looking for resources to broaden my vocabulary in Spanish on the subject of permaculture).
Hay enlaces actualizados? Cuando visito esos enlaces, recibo un "404 Not Found". Los recursos mas parecidos que veo en ese sitio web son .

(Are there updated links? When I visit those links, I receive a "404 Not Found". The most similar resources that I see en that web site are son .)