This post is a shot from the hip - i am not much for the internet, but this seems like a good place to start.
I recently (within the last 6 months) moved to 50+ acres in rural WNC and am currently living here with a friend, 2 chickens (started with 6...) and one cat. We don't have grid hook up OR other means of off-grid electrical power, or for that matter a house or equipment to power with that electricity. We try not to buy anything (at all, but especially not new), and hope to end our use of fossil fuels completely (currently we cook with propane and a Coleman stove, and we will likely always use a vehicle but maybe one day it can be powered with bio fuel we make ourselves -- we like to dream big). We have almost no experience with this type of lifestyle, but lots of ideals and dreams about it.
I see so many posts about living off grid, but haven't seen anything about the sort of "post-civ" approach we are taking, so I'm looking for folks who would be interested in this sort of crazy experiment we're doing. Interested in joining, interested in helping, or just plain ol' interested.