Winston Troughton

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since Nov 06, 2021
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Recent posts by Winston Troughton

I can relate to "I have way too many interests and not enough time to pursue them all". This is especially hard to do sustainably while having adult responsibilities such as putting food on the table and having to make rent to have a roof over our heads.

Looking back to childhood, I did pursue many of my interests in the summer when I was out of school and it came quite naturally. Part of it is just playing, exploring and wanting to build something for that moment. Grew up shooting the breeze with older cousins, but it just allowed me to pursue interests without pressure.

As an adult, I find myself asking: "how do I turn my interests into something I can offer to the world and be compensated for it?". And honestly, the last part, the compensation part, stopped me from pursing worthwhile interests. Everything I did had to have a ROI before I even began to consider it. That looming thought in the background was antithetical to learning for me. It takes time to figure out a personal system to learn, play, and make money while doing these things.
4 months ago
Momo looking so sly. Momo's mom must be proud.
2 years ago
Day 3, Tuesday:

More event cleaning in the morning and changing tires. The afternoon was spent taking out the wall and rebuilding it in the Red Cabin to insulate better.
3 years ago
Day 2 (01/17/2022 Monday):

We spent the morning cleaning up after the Garden Master event and spent the afternoon taking care of house plants as a boot holiday (to be explained). I forget how much time can be spent on taking care of plants: potting, pruning, watering, dusting.
3 years ago
Thanks Mark, I haven't felt too strained physically yet. Considering it's winter, most activities are indoors and not too much heavy lifting
3 years ago
Day 1: Sunday is a light day for boots.

Chores done in the morning. The afternoon spent on assigning tasks and mini-project for the upcoming week.

Afterwards, I spent my evening in the library, rummaging the bookshelves. I'm a nosy person and you can tell a lot about people by the books they keep around.

Tomorrow (Monday) is the start of the work week. Curious to what this week entails. The Tarot suggests the week will be a mix of hard work, diligence, and enjoyment of doing potentially many things for the first time.
3 years ago
This is awesome, I like that you're recording the weather everyday
3 years ago
Greetings permies, Winston here.

We just wrapped up the 2022 Garden Master course at Wheaton Labs and it exceeded my expectations.

Helen is such a wonderful instructor! Her presence was welcoming and bright, and her presentation was rich and filled with 40+ years of hands-on experience backed by academic research. What I'll be taking home with me is how to garden using ecological thinking.

Another plus of attending the winter event is that I'm more acquainted with Wheaton Labs, its people and how things work around here. Staying the night at Cooper Cabin was a new experience getting used to the cold & rocket-mass heater, and generally being off-grid. I'm a newbie still, but it was wonderful meeting past boots, PDC attendees, Alan Booker, and new folks to permaculture. A little upsetting to say goodbyes as the course ended, but life goes on and I'm positive I'll be seeing familiar faces in the future Onwards to the bootcamp!
3 years ago
Any flexibility on dates for incoming boots? I'm attending the garden master course and I'd like to be a part of bootcamp afterwards for a week. Looking at the week of 01/16 - 01/23.
3 years ago

Paul Sofranko wrote:My interest in typewriters is just that they are in sharp contrast to the complicated technology of these times and all that tech represents. A sort of retro-nostalgia.

That being said, I wouldn't go back to using a typewriter at all for writing. I mean: copy, cut and paste, highlight-drag-and-drop... you can't do anything like that on a typewriter. Liquid paper? White-out? Meh.

You know, limitations can be beneficial. Not being able to copy and paste, or backspace forces me to think about what I'm writing. I think what's really happening is the limitation forces me into a different flow of thinking and revising.
3 years ago