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Jenny Davis

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since Nov 11, 2021
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Hello Anna,
Thanks for responding.

Heck for the 7 day Artic freeze we got in Kingston, Bella had six puppies.  We all moved out of the barn [art studio] back into the house living room with the 3 adult dogs where the wood stove is.  Pretty fun.  The father dog became the care giver of the pups except for feeding.  

Please, see if you can track down Mark the shaman lawyer.  I am not comfortable going to a lawyer whose primary motive is making money to buy more to make more money without question.

I can afford to pay a reasonable charge.   I don't want any legal challenges down the road cause I didn't cover all I should have getting everything set up correctly.  I want a transparency anyone can look at and understand.  The driving motive is to protect the property and assets for future artists and permies to live and create simply.
Anna, what do you do in Olympia?   I am rather a recluse living a quiet life with dogs and critters who don't challenge my reality with destructive craziness.
Please let Shaman Mark the lawyer believe in the value of vaccination. Cause I really really do.
Best to you,

3 years ago
Experienced legal help needed from a permie lawyer in Washington State.

Areas to explore: LLC, will, quitclaim deed, living will, moving property lines.  

To create a well thoughtout llc to manage the stewardship of land and existing buildings far into the future on my 4 acres.  To generate enough income through B/B, shared gardens, shared art studios  for buildings, land, tools maintenance, emergencies and permie improvements on the land.
4 acres on hwy outside of Kingston WA with a salmon creek, old trees,  with pastures for gardens.  Well water taste like sulfur.

I want to get the legal business done correctly.  Then get to start buying the fruit trees and making green house designs with compatible souls who share in the direction we look.

No more asphalt or cement pouring or the building of permanent structures.
Thanks in advance for directing me to where I should list this Help Wanted ad.
To make our dreams reality and save the world,
3 years ago