Anderson Omo

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since Dec 02, 2021
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Just thought I'd share my experience.......last year, I laboriously made realistic looking decoys, put about 12 in a small patch, didn't work.  
This year I made strings of very simple decoys as follows - and it's WORKING!!
I used thin fishing line, opaque white shopping bags cut into rectangles roughly 7 cm x 5 cm or 2" x 2 3/4".  Cut off about 3M of line, find the middle, tie a slipknot, pinch/scrunch the rectangle in the middle of the long side,  put it through the slipknot and secure with another knot, spacing each butterfly about 15- 18 cm or 6-7" apart, continue till you've reached the end and then do the other side of the fishing line. The shorter lengths are easier to pull through when making the second knot and I just tied each run of fishing line together when installing it.  
I strung these up all around the outside of the brassica bed and crisscrossed them over the beds using stick/stakes.  I used about 50 butterflies per square meter.  
The cabbage moths are checking out the bed and then flying off WITHOUT LANDING WOO HOO!!  I think because I used so many they are seeing the patch as already having too much competition.  I've been observing this for over a week - and they are definitely avoiding that bed!  
Cheap, easy and I hope this helps someone else! Cheers
3 years ago