Michael Moshe Burke

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since Dec 26, 2021
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Recent posts by Michael Moshe Burke

Kaarina Kreus wrote:Would you consider Europe?
I can offer you a place if you like. A permaculture farm with
- bees
- fruit orchard
- berry orchard
- riverside with a river abundant with fish
- mushroom cultivation
- escargot farming
- landrace chicken
- kitchen garden and vegetable garden
- 3 miles to town

I’d love to talk more about it
2 years ago
Wow! I would consider it but it couldn’t really be too long term as I do have children from a prior marriage. 3 months at a time perhaps? I will send you a moosage
2 years ago
Crazy little planet! Yes let’s talk. Life seems so hard til you start living it.
2 years ago
These are hard times but I only know tomorrow…. I appreciate the kind thoughts. Tikkun Olam!
2 years ago
Pretty wide open. Somewhere warmer than upstate NY.. Really want to take the next  several months to heal and grow
2 years ago
Looking for someone to share laughs and stories with. 42 M . I really need a good human (female)to talk to and learn and grow with. Let’s get out of here!
2 years ago
Hi… I am going through the death throes of my marriage and need a fresh change of scenery for at least the short term. I am clean, able-bodied, of sound mind with no addiction issues. I have some experience with livestock, landscaping, gardening, and domestic affairs. I hold a black belt in Brazilian jiu jitsu and can teach self-defense. Please reach out if you have a spot for me.
2 years ago
Hi , We are a family of six looking to check out of this world. We have somewhat limited finances but can work the land, cook, clean ,teach jujitsu, do repairs and maintenance. We are in NY (upstate)but would love to land in or near some mountains somewhere less traveled with lax homeschooling laws.Will trade labor, skills, security for a roof and freedom to live healthy and safe.. open to all manner of ideas. Open to background check etc… thanks all for your time
3 years ago