Maggie Fitzpatrick

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since Dec 28, 2021
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Urban soils:
-Compacted due to vehicle and foot traffic, water moving very quickly down impermeable surfaces (aka buildings and concrete)
-contamination from detergents, nutrient runoff, PFAS, and exhaust

-erosion from wind, compaction from over tilling and bare soil
-pesticide use on crops

-elements of urban and rural
-soil structures destroyed by construction processes/over development and use of herbicides and pesticides
-monocultures (lawns) and use of aggressive ornamental plants decreases biodiversity of native organisms

In all cases, microbial life (key to healthy soil) is disrupted.
2 years ago

I saw some burlap-covered buckets that looked passably cute. There are some coffee roaster places nearby. I wonder if they discard their coffee sacks...

Coffee shops always have tons of extra burlap bags!

Also—what about grow bags? They are relatively inexpensive, and i have seen many made from old tarps or other repurposed materials. They are light weight and easy to move around. Some are quite chic.
2 years ago