A. A. Starlight

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since Jan 15, 2022
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Recent posts by A. A. Starlight

Glad to see Tommy appears to be going the right direction! I worked with a family who has been battling cancer for the last 50 years (first the daughter then her mother) through raw whole foods, etc. Making softball sized tumors disappear beyond the explanation of the medical professionals I was working with. I'm glad to hear you are finding success as well. I just read "How Not to Die" by Dr. Michael Greger and was very moved and inspired by his findings and his simplicity around eating well and staying healthy. He even has an app! And that he has taken the field of nutrition which seems so tailored to each person's individual needs and circumstances... And made it pretty basic on best health practices for everyone. What eating well looks like.
Welcome! Hori hori knives have been on our wish list since we moved from Alaska - Land of the fish to Washington - land of gardening and learned about everyone's favorite tool - The hori hori!
2 years ago
We have a tiny house, outhouse, and big house under construction. Our water table is also at like 1' and lots of wells in the area. We have our outhouse go into a regular 30? Gallon garbage can. Saw dust to cover your deposit, switch out the can when it gets full. This gives everything lots of time to age before any possibility of contaminating the water table. Also we were doing construction and not ready to pick a long term humane pile location. Today I am doing the double wire mesh cylinders with wood shavings and straw on the bottom and all sides and a roof so we can start emptying our accumulated cans. We will empty all toilets into this pile which is in the orchard for easy use when done.
3 years ago