I've read that they can jump up to 1,8 metre from the ground, that makes the electric fence irrelevant, doesn't it?
I'm scared for my new chickens that I've fallen in love with and I want to protect them very badly. But I don't want that to cost their freedom or quality of life with regards to paddock shifting, that's why we have decided to buy a portable electric fence (112 centimetres specifically for poultry).
I have gotten my first accidental shock today and it was quite uncomfortable and still tingles a bit, so a smaller animal than me will definitely remember that encounter, but I keep wondering if a fox wouldn't just jump over it and kill them all on a hard winter day or so. The coop is absolutely fox-proof, but if the chickens are outside is what I mean.
There are other fences nearby, so if he can really jump 5 metres (what??), he would have no trouble jumping from there. Our automatic door lets them out in the morning, and if a fox really used an elevated point to get into the net and then would not be able to get out again, he would be trapped and the chickens would be served to him as breakfast. I really see them more as pets than resources and I really want to protect them. Can you tell me your experiences and/or solutions to my problem?