Justin Vink

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since Feb 21, 2022
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Recent posts by Justin Vink

Hey, building a new wood stove. It will have a secondary burn system like the burley wood stove design. I have attached a pic of theirs. I will be adding a 3rd burn system at the baffle.

I have just started laying out and cutting my steel and i have a couple of questions before i continue.
stove dimensions will be roughly
16 deep
22 tall
18 wide

1. how much space is needed above the baffle?

2. how much space between the outer wall and the lip of the baffle?

3. should all the primary air come out in front of the door or should it come up under the wood?

Any other suggestions are welcome. I have attached pics of layout plus some with sharpie marks showing primary air options.
2 years ago
Very interesting. What is the length of time on the burn?
2 years ago
Perfect, thanks for the help.
2 years ago
Hey everyone, long time lurker here. I have been building a bunch of different stoves and burners for a while. Just wondering if I am missing the TLUD section and if not then has anyone used them to heat a cabin/house and any thoughts on that?

My last build was an attempt at a long burn cross draft gasifier but if i am being honest i think it just ended up being a not great rocket stove with a wood hopper... it has 2nd and 3rd preheated air ports but i had to put some bricks in the chamber to get the flames to stay close to them. I will hopefully have time this summer to weld in some different pieces and change where the air interacts. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

2 years ago