Living Woods Magazine -- 1st Issue
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Bryan Wi

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since Feb 24, 2022
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Recent posts by Bryan Wi

Hi Everyone,

I wondering if I can use so a vacuum pump I already have for working on automotive AC systems to push air a compost tea set-up. I'd like to minimize the purchase of extra stuff, especially if I have something that can already fit the bill. I am concerned about the following, of which I would appreciate any input:
    A. Premature wear (I would want to run this for 72 hours at a time)
    B. Pump oil contamination – this pump is designed to exhausts oil. I think it’s only mineral oil but am concerned if that would be harmful to introduce to the compost tea
    C. AC Refrigerant – This pump previously pulled a vacuum on a R134A system (MSDS sheet linked). I think it would be safe to use as any remnant 134A refrigerant would be negligible.

Thanks in advance for your input!

1 year ago
Does anyone know of any land purchase or grant options where one could acquire a degraded piece of land for free or at discount for the intent of living on and restoring the land.

I live in Western Washington and have been looking at buying land for about a decade, but as those of you who live here know, land affordability has decreased a lot over the last several decades.  I've been saving for about 10 years now and increases in land cost seem to outpace my savings and VA home loans aren't interested in loaning for homesteading properties.  Perhaps I'm thinking about this the wrong way though.  I've done a few google searches and have perused around on the local conservation district websites but couldn't find any grant programs like that so I thought I would ask here with the hopes that someone else may have heard of something like this.

Ideally, some sort of program with a fixed time period with targeted restoration goals to hit over a period of x years with the ability to transfer ownership at little to no cost at the end of the period if the goals are met.
2 years ago