Jacob Hyman

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since Mar 14, 2022
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Recent posts by Jacob Hyman

Good Afternoon,

My name is Jacob. I am a transplant to the small post-steel town of Steubenville, OH. My background is in civil engineering, and I am working towards becoming a more proficient engineer, but on the side (and hopefully more and more frequently), I garden and am learning all I can to become a proficient permaculture designer! I am halfway through a PDC through Oregon State University. I am renting, but my landlord has given me permission to raise chickens (I have nine laying hens) and garden the backyard! The gardening bug hit me only at the beginning of 2021, and while I only have about half a growing season under my belt, I am excited to continue to learn more! I intend to grow tomatoes, zucchini, and summer squash, green beans, radishes, eggplants, strawberries, and lettuces this growing season! I have friends who are asking me to look at their backyard and determine what could be grown back there, so i'm excited to put my PDC to use!

I'm always looking to connect with more permaculture friends, especially in the Pittsburgh area! Looking forward to getting to know y'all!
2 years ago