Amanda Mariah

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since Apr 04, 2022
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Hello, John! Thank you! I'm excited to be here. I quit bread cold turkey for a couple years until I discovered this sourdough on my healing with whole foods journey and I've become obsessed. Amazed, awestruck, inspired, bewildered, mind-blown. Being on Disability this is something that has changed our lives.
2 years ago
Hello. I'm a purist. Flour, water, salt. I stone-mill a variety of local organic wheat berries with a hand crank fresh for each sourdough bread at the time of autolyse. The water is 0 TDS water. Himalayan salt. So...I can testify. It's possible. I've only been baking since Nov 2021. I get a high rise and an open crumb about half the time's still a mystery at the end of the day but I'm cracking that code. Even when a loaf doesn't reach it's greatest potential in aesthetics, the flavor, texture, and nutrition is always guaranteed.
2 years ago