Kate Weldon

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since Apr 13, 2022
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PNW homesteading and farm education!
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Recent posts by Kate Weldon

Anything that you put in between yourself and the sun will have spf- just different levels. I’ve hated all the mineral sunscreens I’ve tried and will ONLY do natural now.

I saw someone doing an experiment with different oils /mineral based etc and carrot seed oil turned out to be a winner, along with red raspberry seed oil.

I’ve been using carrot oil exclusively as SPF for the last two summers and have only good things to say. It’s one ingredient, and my skin is dry and just drinks it up. The RRS oil I use on my face. Love them both. Good luck!
1 year ago

Dennis Goyette wrote:Any lumber mills near by? "Flats" work great for rails and are free usually. I used cedar posts around my garden. Also used them to hold my security gate at the end of my driveway (which I close and lock when going to town.

Yes there are a few mills nearby! Do you treat them with anything or put in cement? We’re in the soggy PNW
Thanks for the response
1 year ago
Hey folks,
So my farm was built in the 40s and a lot of the integral posts are finally rotting out and need to be replaced.

Now I don’t have a huge budget, but what I do have are other thick wooden posts and sealant/stain that were left over by the previous owner. Would this work?

I’ve found some telephone poles online I could also buy for a more budget friendly and lasting product.

The existing fences appear to be rail road ties with either no climb 3x4 wire or 4x4 wire

We have cows- help!
1 year ago
Hey there!
First time dexter grower here.
Our 7 year old mama (Nellie) has a one month old steer calf (Soot). We would like to separate them soon to start milking her and do a calf share.

My question is: since the calf is so small, he can fit through a lot of openings. I have a large wire dog kennel that would fit him perfectly if it is deemed safe....

So my plan is to have them both in one stall overnight, so they can be together, but with him in the kennel.

2 years ago
As much at I hate to admit it- the Internet!
I’ve had to teach myself so many skills and about animals, gardening, almost everything! So glad that info is out there...

we’re about to figure out how to process our pigs here soon... I learned how to do chickens this way so hopefully pigs will be as successful.
2 years ago
Hey folks, newbie here.
We have a handful of mangalitsa pigs and AGH/kune mix. Well we were given a couple more AGH/kunes that are extremely obese... like they barely walk around.

Well we need the pasture space for some other purposes and we’re planning on butchering these obese AGH ladies now.

Is it worth it to try and slim them down? Is their meat ruined? I know they’re primarily a lard pig, so I want to butcher asap and get all that lard but hubs wants to see if we can slim them down first....

2 years ago