We need to know the actual facts about fertilizing with urine.
If you use raw urine in your garden, you are depending on rainfall and irrigation to wash out the sodium salts.
The study below indicates that in ideal conditions of heavy rainfall, something like 5% of salts will remain in the soil after a year. This sodium does not go away.
Over time this will slowly increase until the soil is no longer tenable, it will be come "sodified," which is the technical term for having too much salt to grow plants.
In areas where there is heavy, dependable rainfall, it would take decades for sodification to occur, but eventually it will be a problem. It can be mediated by the application of certain calcium compounds.
However, in areas where rainfall is sub-optimum, and regular irrigation is required for plant cultivation, the wash-out does not occur, and sodification can happen much faster.
So be careful! Those people who claim that they regularly use urine as fertilizer good results may very well live in a region that has plentiful rainfall, OR, they may have been fertilizing with urine only for a short time.
Attached is the link to the peer-reviewed paper from 2016 detailing a significant experiment that produced the results I summarize above.
Never let down your guard against misinformation and disinformation!