Mike Whitley

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since May 30, 2022
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Margaux Knox wrote:

Mike Whitley wrote:Is the Grill/Oven combo included in this package? For me, that would be the best of both worlds

In any event, I would have ordered the Bundle except I don't use Crypto [Canada proved how risky that can be], I refuse to use the Political hacks at PayPal, and know nothing about Stripe.  If you'd just accept credit cards {Visa/MasterCard} I would have ordered the Bundle

Hi Mike! Stripe is a reputable third-party payment processor that takes credit card payments. A huge number of web stores process payments through Stripe, along with many service providers. It's trusted by companies like Amazon, Google, and Kickstarter. Take a look at their website and see if you're comfortable with it, but it is significantly more trustworthy than Paypal, and is one of the more prominent payment processors on the web at the moment. It's not unlikely you've used it before and not even known, as many sites have it seamlessly integrated.

Ok, I know I'm older than dirt but as a retired EE I cannot seem to find where/how to use Strip for ME to pay a business. It seems fully geared for a business to accept payments which is fine but obviously not what I need to do. All I want to do is order the Rocket Oven Bundle and it seems I lack the ability to do that.
Is the Grill/Oven combo included in this package? For me, that would be the best of both worlds

In any event, I would have ordered the Bundle except I don't use Crypto [Canada proved how risky that can be], I refuse to use the Political hacks at PayPal, and know nothing about Stripe.  If you'd just accept credit cards {Visa/MasterCard} I would have ordered the Bundle
Love the sourdough process and health benefits but, neither of us really like the sour note in the bread.

I've been able to reduce the sour note by just leaving scrapings in the small SD jar, adding 30g water, shake the jar vigorously to put the scrapings in solution, then add 30g of AP flour. Once or twice a day and this has been known to triple in size in just 6 hours at 75F. I put it in the fridge if I'm not going to bake for a week or more. Take it out and in 2 days it is back at full strength. Makes for a very mild SD bread with a just a hint of sour.

Recently I've been using Wild Yeast Water [there are instructions all over the web] and adding it into any Poolish the night before replacing the water 1 for 1.  I've made WYW from dried raisins, dates, wild grapes, apples, crab apples, clover and the benefit for us is there is ZERO sour notes but a very powerful yeast from the Wild Yeast Water. Easy to keep going in the fridge and not a lot of waste if you simply plan ahead and leave a couple of Tbls after you make the poolish to start your next WYW.
2 years ago

scott porteous wrote:does the tops taper off ?
you could cut the top and bottom off and since the top usaully smaller you could push them together the top going in to the bottom of the next one then use a couple bolts to keep it together

Rather than cutting both tops/bottoms off, cut just one end removing the taper, then leave the taper on the  other end but just removing the top/bottom. This would allow you to nest them together [as water in your application is only going in one direction] and just use some screw fasteners through both barrels where they overlap.

Seems one tapered end nesting into one larger, non-tapered end would make for a substantial mating.
2 years ago