franck rezga

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since Aug 04, 2022
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Recent posts by franck rezga

For the whole wheat bread, try increasing the hydration a bit. The recipe you posted has a hydration of about 69%. I made a bread the other day in a bread machine with 100% store-bought whole wheat that turned out great, 87% hydration.

A bread collapsing during baking may have too much yeast, in my experience.
10 months ago
Hi Oscar

Those wind turbines look too small to get any substantial amount of power from them. Reliability would also be an issue.

However, 3D printed blades is an interesting idea if one has access to a very large 3D printer. The plastic would have to be UV resistant. Wind turbine blades are subjected to an appreciable amount of stress and I'm not sure 3d printed plastic could resist it.
1 year ago