Tee Johnson

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since Sep 10, 2022
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Recent posts by Tee Johnson

That is a very interesting thought about the rootstock.  I hadn't considered grafting grapevines!
10 months ago
Thanks for all of your ideas.

I am in NC piedmont zone 7.  This area is the south edge of the property and the slope also faces south.  

My thoughts were that the main troubles would be maintenance of mowing (future planted grass in an orchard or vineyard) if the slope was too steep and the ability to dig in that area.  
10 months ago
Hi!  I have some property near a river basin on the south side of the property and along  the side of this which has initially something like a 15% slope and then a 4% slope higher away from the basin.  This area has clay soil in zone 7 and was planted in pines and should be timbered soon.  Knowing this, I am trying to think of ways to make use of this space ideally with something edible.  Plants in the flat portion of the river basin would need to be able to withstand a bit of flooding once or twice a year or if a hurricane came and so would not be suitable for livestock because of potential damage or grounding of fencing.

My goals are eventually to have some apple trees, grape vines, elderberries, blackberries, a garden, and one day later a cow.  At least that is my dream even though it is far off.

I am trying to think of ways to fit these things and use what is usable of the river basin as well as the slope.  My initial thought is that perhaps trees would be more suitable for a steeper slope, with the vines, etc being better for a lesser slope.   But then that would put the trees more south than the vines and they may shadow the vines, but maybe it wouldn't be so bad because they would be growing starting at a lower elevation...

1. What is the recommended and maximum slope for orchard (apple trees) or vines (blackberries/grapes/elderberries)?  And why is that recommended?  
2. What would you recommend given the things I would love to do someday?
10 months ago
Is there a way to buy this without having to set up a PayPal account?  I would like to use my credit card to avoid PayPal,  but the url wants me to sey up a PayPal account instead of just letting me pay for it.
2 years ago