J Woods

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since Oct 01, 2022
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Hi there. Names Jay.
P.M. for more information if so interested
However, real understanding country boys and girls do need tourists from the city to buy our goods. Well really we don't but it makes our smiles and belly's bigger!

If all the city folk moved to the country. Wouldn't that make it a city?

People please, at least go camping with nothing but what you can carry on your back for at least a week or more before you think off grid is your next move! Once your iphone dies. And you don't have Google to help you. See if you still like the lifestyle because you need more than like. You have to love it city kiddos!!
2 years ago
I live in NY. Im more country boy living than most on this site but I see why NY gets a bad name. It's from NYC!

City boys buying land they have no idea how to maintain or even setup. Is part of the reason undeveloped land is so expensive now!!!

If you truly understand and want the change?? Then go for it but don't think its an easier life than office life!

Youtube makes it look so easy yet most cant even bait a hook let alone skin a pig or deer!

2 years ago
Just another day.
That's a Stihl 880 with a  custom tune and exhaust with a 42" bar. Im 5'11" 175lbs. My hair is now shorter but that's me.

2 years ago
I see many people not knowing the actual concept and effort to actually being self sufficient as much as one can these days but still being yourself!

I can't make salt, pepper, vanilla extract, etc..... I see guys act like outdoor men but with a profile picture with up-e-dee clothes on! Im not a true hunter but i can shoot. Im a true country farm boy who climbs 80'+ in trees for a living and can out work any man who is twice my size but only lifts dumbbells!
In a fight, well i stop going to bars so i dont let them near me but i know i don't let them grapple me because they can get me if i don't wind them in 30 seconds of cardio but their size is only in arms or chest. Kick their knees out. Laugh at their cardio and leg days but honestly small boys club and how they act towards being a man! Who a truly beautiful woman will want, respect and want well beyond your dumbbell sagging skin biceps are!

You want a true country boy yet also knows he can still learn because im a vegetable farm boy not fruit, canning or longevity of a lasting relationship.? Well then message me. I don't need much but i don't tolerate cheaters! Period. Everything else we can work out.
Ill show most women a true, supportive equal man.
2 years ago
No response. Not sure how to proceed with being me (a guy not comfortable with online presents) yet still trying to explain myself?
2 years ago