We live in a suburban area, after many years the piles continue to grow. This spring the clean up plan is to empty out the various areas, including the garage and the shed. Before I undertake this time consuming process, and I go to put stuff back that we are keeping, let me ask others. How do you store your tools? I have my hand tools in the garage in various tool boxes and bags. The issue becomes the bigger items hand yard tools, carts, wheelbarrows, etc. This area is heavily regulated so I can’t put up another shed or enlarge the existing without permits and inspections and fees and you get the idea…
I have seen in some videos that people have these roofed single wall where they hang various hand tools and park their carts under the roofs or behind them to keep them out of the direct sun/weather. I am trying to find a low cost solution but I also don’t want to put my stuff out in the yard to have the weather rot it in short order.
A second follow up question is where/how do you store your extra wood/lumber. I have acquired some wood and I put it in the shed but it takes up a lot of space. I have a “wood” pile of “outside” lumber that I use for various garden and yard projects but that pile inevitably gets used by various critters as a home and the wind/rain/leaves get through and damage some of it. Any ideas would be appreciated, thanks.