Most of their bikes in the Netherlands looked more like this bike, my old one. I"m remembering now that I went to one of these groovy, cheap bike shops that had old parts sitting around. They had the right shape of handlebars that I was looking for but they were huge. It created some problems with getting the bike in the car or pickup, and got in the way. I called the shop to maybe swap them out. In the coolest, DIY, hip way possible, they just said, "You know you can just cut them, right?"
It had never occurred to me. I just got out the hacksaw and sawed off 3 inches or so on each side. Now they are perfect. Unfortunately, I can't just do that with the high bar, so now it's my "B" bike. It's great as a backup. Now I"m going to do that with my new to me bike, which also has the right shape handlebars that are huge and get in the way.
John S