Jay Young

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since Nov 28, 2022
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Hi there,

I'll be planting cover crops across 7 acres this Fall and am planning on brewing compost tea from my compost pile. I've watched quite a bit (especially from Dr. Ingham) but am struggling to find details on a few steps and how best to apply.

I'd like to better understand best practices on spraying the compost tea. What sort of sprayer for an ATV? What to look out for and lessons learned to avoid when taking the compost tea from the brewer to the sprayer and spraying it directly on the soil.  Best method to transfer the tea to the sprayer, etc. The more details the better!

Additionally, any recommendations on soaking the cover crop seeds prior to no till drilling them into the field.

Let me know if I can provide any details to help answer my questions. Appreciate any recommendations or resources you can provide me.

Thanks in advance.
1 year ago