jessica seeliger

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since Dec 13, 2022
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Recent posts by jessica seeliger

Hi there! Thanks for reading me..

So I live on the island of Mallorca and we have Soo many wild goats.
I've taken 2 to take care of them and milk them for our family...
I'm looking for information about what should I do to the goats or to the milk before I start consuming it.
I'm all in in drinking the fresh goat milk, but my question goes more into should I deworm them, how? What are the most natural and effective techniques to do so so their parasites don't gain inmunity?

The goats look very healthy to me...
Please any info shared would be Soo much appreciated. I hardly find anything at all online...
And I have no one to ask about these things..

Thank you!

1 year ago
Thank you bith for your response.

ANNE miller, that thred on feeding (of what i understood the agreement was) charcoal to livestock is very interesting. A great way to keep parasites away...

And yes Greg, ill do so.. i trusted my soil was good, but today talking to a farmer man he told me that uo the mountains soil tends to have lost big oart of its nutrients due to erosion and we have remained with the clay principally... so a big use of organic material is needed.
I did abig hugelkultur under, but it need long time till it decomposes..
So i might have to buy some soil in the forehand..

Thanks again, and its lovely this, i can spend hours just going from thread to thread.
1 year ago
Hello everyone.

Im here starting a new projext.. slowly and hopwfully becoming a food forest in Mallorca.

So, now is winter.. and im producing wood ash.. and i dobt really know what to do with it.
Ive thrown a bit in the garden, a bit in the compost, a bit in the compost toilet... and i spread it around.

But yes, i would love to hear of more concrete uses i could give it.
How good is it to put in the garden? An in which quantity?

Much appreciated your inputs. Saludos
2 years ago
Hello! Contactibg you from mallorca in another olive terraced land! I hope all is doing very well... so im in a similar process as you, i will be starting this winter. So... information gathered. To help with your landslides, vetiver. The plant grows a 4m deep and veritcal root in almost a year , it is good moisture retainer for those hot summers but defenetely soil retainer. Im after you can use its oils fron the root to make great essential oils, the fudder... that grows high as mulch.. etc.  Looki g forward to hear more.

2 years ago