Ducks are quite messy, I put paver blocks down under and around kiddie pools, I have two set ups one for my old pair of ducks and one for three other ducks. You can use a bucket or a flat shovel to scoop water out, If its too heavy for you, but I just dump mine, the patio blocks keep them from picking up so much mud and poop into the water., In the summer I use the ponds in the winter heated water buckets. I change them daily and keep a brush handy to keep the yuck that sticks to the sides clean. I have to keep my birds confined so they have a big cage with a roof, I have a brook on my property but cant allow them to go to it or I wouldn't have any ducks do to predators. They dont have to dive deep to enjoy themselves the view of them bathing and splashing and having fun is worth the effort, sure on some days I have to refill the ponds, they splash it all out. But I have a water line to each animals coop in the summer, so its not hard to do. Hope this helps, Ducks rock love to watch them, One of mine is 14 years old already, might be her last summer coming. But she still enjoys life. So far so good. I also have a floor squeegie to push all the mud and poop that they do get on the pavers into a pile to pick up and put in compost.