lusia Kim

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since Feb 09, 2023
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Recent posts by lusia Kim

Having a good husband is really a good choice! I'd have to have a husband first. Just kidding. I've been doing a lot of kitchen goodies lately. Shelving, storage boxes, peelers... I'm really obsessed with little things.

1 year ago
The cactus is the one you have to try, and I think the warmer temperatures might let you see it bloom.

1 year ago
I recommend buying plastic or paper square boxes. That looks more convenient, easier to store.

1 year ago
Maybe everyone has different preferences. Some people like to decorate their kitchen to make it look rich. Some people may go minimalist. But it's worth it if they're good.
For me, decorate their own home is not a happy thing?

1 year ago
While I was "outfitting" my "new" kitchen, I came across a little gizmo that I just love. It is a bag holder to storage my shopping bags, cluttered bags...It easily helps you organize the cluttered kitchen bags, and can be hidden into the cabinet, without affecting the appearance of the kitchen. And it's easy to clean and reuse.
The second "gadget" is one that I have used for the past 20 plus years. It is a clear, over the counter cutting board. Mine is big enough to roll dough on and it is easy peasy clean up.
What's your kitchen like? Can you give me some suggestions?

1 year ago