Ryan Greens

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since Mar 13, 2023
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Hello everyone,

I am looking for families and individuals looking for a change in lifestyle to be less dependent on society and become a self-sufficient community.  We are looking to purchase a large amount of land in Maine to convert it to a community where we grow our own food, self sustain our energy, water, and as much as possible from the outside world to be produced by ourselves.   We are not looking to be picky.  You are free to live in a house, cabin, small home, box homes, etc.  Ideally homes that will promote a healthy living style such as water conservation. We are looking to work and learn together and not relying on anyone's own skills and traits although would be very helpful.  With growing tensions in the world, we are looking to move forward with this idea/goal by the end of 2024. Ideally by the end of the summer.  It is a lot to handle for most but with careful planning and execution, we can make it possible.  

Some of what is expected of you?
-$ for land
-$ for your own expenses
-time and labor to build your home
-use clean renewable energy sources (Solar/Wind)
-gardening year round (we will have a community garden/green houses)
-be a kind and courteous person. no destruction to nature/land/plants/animals

About us - we're a family of 4 looking to give a new opportunity for ourselves and children. I will still be working in Maine partially remote while working on this opportunity.  I am looking to finance 20-30 acres of land ideally 3 acres per family and a community area.  We have a couple friends and family members that will be joining us but we are looking to build a community where everyone wants to share but is not required to.  

If this is something you would be interested in please reach out to my email telling me a little bit about yourself and why or reply to this post and how I can reach you.  Please know we need to know who we are neighboring with so background checks are required.

1 year ago