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David Barrett

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since Jun 11, 2023
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Recent posts by David Barrett

Oregon - Klamath Falls, Bend
Idaho - Stanton Crossing
Montana - Bozeman
Utah - Alta, Provo, Boulder
Colorado - Mesa, Leadville
California - Crowley Lake

I have put in an offer on a parcel of property that is devoid of a lot of life because it is overrun by cattle grazing on federal lands. I want to plant a bunch of willow along a creek that runs through it. So, there is a willow that is rare in California called Booth's Willow. The places I mention above have observations of Booth's willow ( I was hoping a Permie who lives nearby can take cuttings for me so I can propagate them. Obviously I could pay for you effort. Thanks
3 months ago
Anyone have any they would like to sell? Thanks

4 months ago
I have some practical questions about the plant growth, how the vine structure grows, and various questions. I ask because I would like to cultivate the berries in bulk but can't find too much about the plant on the Internet. Get me some info and I'll put you in my will.....
8 months ago
I am looking for anyone who has Barbados Gooseberry. Looking to buy cuttings, roots, and seeds. Going to try an experiment and plant in high desert. Willing to pay for your effort. Anyone live in the Lakeland/Haines City area of Florida? How about Miami? Orange, California? There are some that are in the wild there.
9 months ago
ok. Found out dragon fruit stem is edible. But peruvian apple cactus?
9 months ago
I know Prickly Pear fruit and pads are edible. Does anyone know if dragon fruit or Peruvian Apple cactus trunks/stems are edible for livestock?
9 months ago
Thanks for the reply. The good news is that where I hope to plant is sandy soil with bedrock way deep. Unfortunately it does not look like bamboo roots go too deep. What I am hoping to do is plant the most aggressively invasive as possible. The location of the property and the fact that the lack of rain will act as a good restriction on bamboo growing uncontrollably the invasiveness issue is not a threat. I think that at the very least I will have a good soil creator. There is a runoff stream on the property. I'm guessing it runs for about a week after a heavy rain, two tops. I think I might put up some check dams and plant bamboo along the stream maybe with some vetiver.
10 months ago
What are the permaculture benefits and uses of bamboo in permaculture? I can understand a few.

1. It can be used to stop erosion;
2. Good quick  biomass generator;
3. Good resource of timber for structures
4. Shade source

But it does not produce a fruit and I get the sense that you may not be able to plant much near it because of their dense roots. Is it good habitat for birds or other animals or do they avoid it? Anything graze on it?

I ask because I was thinking of using it for a very poor soil parcel of land I'm buying but I thought maybe there are better alternatives even if the alternatives are slower growing. I would say my objectives at first is biomass to help build the soil and shade for the completely open parcel of property that will see 90-100 degree summer heat on the sandy soil.
10 months ago
Thanks. The property I hope to get in a month is pure sand with minimal grass and maybe a couple different types of rabbitbrush. It is zone 6b, perhaps 7a. Im eager to see if chestnut and hazelnut will grow but I want to make sure cuttings don't get me roots that wont go down more than 4-5 feet so they blow right over.
10 months ago
Very cool. When did you seed? I am buying a Nevada nigh desert property and want to spread as much seed as I can as soon as I get it to get the biomass growing.
10 months ago