Max Lucas

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since Aug 24, 2023
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Hi John

Thank you for the welcome.  Glad to be part of this community where I can learn and better prepare myself.
1 year ago
When I used oxygen in the past, I’d have all my buckets with 5 gal Mylar bags filled with product.  I would partially seal each bag with enough room to stick the oxy absorbers in.  I would have a canning jar with lid ready to put the unused oxy absorbers if say I had a pack of 25 but only used 15-20.  The size of the canning jar would be just enough to store the left over oxy absorbers.  I would then cut the oxy absorber bag open quickly pull out what I won’t use and store the remaining.  Then start putting all the oxy absorbers in the Mylar bags and quickly seal off the small opening in the Mylar bag that I partially sealed before hand.  With my Mylar bag sealer already prepared hot to seal, I begin finishing the final sealing.  Of course leave the tops of buckets open overnight to make sure everything is sealed tight and just finish with putting the cover on the bucket.  
Have also tried rice directly in food grade buckets and food grade lids without Mylar but as others have mentioned using DE. I layer the DE in as I fill the bucket.
1 year ago