Becca Rhodes

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since Jan 16, 2024
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Recent posts by Becca Rhodes

Eric Hanson wrote:Hello Becca,

I too live in Southern Illinois.  SI is a relatively large place.  Could you narrow down approximately where you live just to give an idea (don't worry, I certainly don't want a street address)?


I currently live in the Madison county area so anywhere within a hour drive
2 months ago
I currently live in in Illinois but I rent a house. I am looking to work with a traditional farmer to learn how to farm like my grandparents did. The old ways have so much to teach us and I would like to learn. Along side this opportunity I am trying to lease an acre from this farmer to incorporate raising sheep to turn a profit. Which I plan to pay the farmer to do all of the above.
2 months ago

pamela tanner wrote:Hi Homesteading Permies,

Hello Pam,
My name is Rebecca I live in St. Louis now an have been researching the benefits of a Permaculture environment. I want to be able to move to Illinois an within the next year or so be completely self sufficient. I went to school for environmental sciences an have been a herbalist as well as being sustainable in my current situation by reusing materials which people would typically discard. I have looked and researched over the last 6yrs about creating a small farm with the incorporated Cob Building methods, Rain catchment, Solar lighting (but of course I love my wick burning lamps as well as growing my own food, making my own candles, soaps, teas, etc.. I have looked at property around rural communities more so because I was raised in a town like that an the people are good people. This being said do you know if the county your property resides in allows for natural building methods? I know some rural areas are not zoned with restrictions but I wasn't sure about your area.
Looking forward to your response. I did email you as well.
Sincere thanks,
Rebecca Rhodes

7 months ago