Ingolf Jeff

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since Jun 15, 2024
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We have a similarly awful experience with the remote, low-water vacuum flush Envirolet system. Like the original poster, we find that the system is locked up by extremely hard "poo-bricks" when unused for a period of weeks. During regular use with several people (well within the specified limits) the urine volume means that the material pushed into the composting bins by the vacuum pump is smoothy-consistency and falls right to the bottom of the bin, into the tray that's supposed to catch finished compost. Eventually the tray overflows, trickling a ghastly liquid into whatever location one has arranged for black water overflow. Very little "composting" actually happens in this system. At best, it is a very expensive arrangement for desiccating waste. As a previous poster mentioned, only the bins are made by Envirolet/Sancor. I think the company may have disappeared. The actual toilet, pipes, and vacuum pump are a marine toilet system designed to move toilet waste into a holding tank. My experiences with Envirolet/Sancor when communicating for customer support were bizarre and frustrating. I also had to resort to charge-back to get $800 back from them when I ordered a replacement toilet that was never shipped. Last week, the vacuum pump exploded in a dramatic poo-smoothy fountain, ironically while just days away from receiving a Cinderella incinerating toilet to replace it. I'm meticulous about following the manufacturer's steps for managing this system, and have always operated it well within design specifications, and simply never had a good result.
7 months ago