Lydi Shel

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since Jul 15, 2024
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Vet assistant here!
Best things I've found for urine stench in clothes: Peroxide or Bleach and water. Soak for a long time. Shoes should be fine if you put essential oil on them, but don't use it on the tile or areas where the cat will walk, eat, sleep, etc. For the floor, a dilute solution of bleach water works well, if you're not opposed to bleach. We use bleach and dawn dish soap at work and mop everything up (concrete floors), but we also have stronger cleaners that we use to kill parvovirus, kennel cough, and other infectious diseases. Trifecta, I think, but it has a very strong scent.
Edit: AOE spray works great for the odor, too! It's an enzymatic odor eliminator. It works well for getting anal gland stink out of the area as well as male cat urine stench, combined with thorough cleaning.
7 months ago
Hi there, I'm new to the community and I'm trying to design my first earth bag home. I plan to move in the next ten years to either Wyoming, South Dakota, or Arizona. While Arizona might not require much insulation against the cold, Wyoming and South Dakota certainly do. I did some research on natural insulation and came across alpaca wool, which is great because I already have plans to get alpacas. My question is, has anyone tried alpaca wool for earth bag homes? Would it be more practical to put the wool into the earth mixture, like rice hulls or straw (granted this would probably gum up the mixer), or add it externally beneath a layer of daub, adobe, etc or another layer of bags?
Thanks in advance!
7 months ago