Hi everyone!
My name is Julie Wright, and I am a junior at Lehigh University studying community health. I participated in a permaculture fellowship in the year of 2023, and currently writing a paper focused on self-expression in the permaculture movement and permaculture design philosophy's compatibility with environmental justice theories.
I am looking to interview permaculture practitioners to gain a stronger sense of how permaculturists talk about and discuss their projects, how information is disseminated across the permaculture community, accessibility in permaculture, and more. I plan to use my findings in an academic paper.
This is also an IRB-exempt study and I am happy to put you in touch with my primary investigator if you have any questions about how the research will be used. Interviews should be no longer than an hour.
If this is something that interests you, please email me at
jmw226@lehigh.edu, thank you so much!