Pete Van Horn

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since Nov 19, 2024
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I live in Crestone, CO in the beatiful San Luis Valley at 8,000ft. I've been here since 2016 and live entirely off grid on 3.5 acres in a Earthship home that I built. Alternative building and homesteading/permaculture is a lifestyle I choose to live and path I choose to walk. Water, food, and shelter is what we need to live!
I also produce/have a YouTube channel with my friend and neighbor called Owner Builders Unite. We create videos on what life is like for us as Earthship and alternative builders here in Crestone with no building codes.
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Recent posts by Pete Van Horn

Thanks! Yeah next time I'll try and get some closer shots too... wasn't too bad... used a few shims here and there. Mostly just used little 1x2 stops we ripped down on the tops and bottoms and the sides will get filled in later.
2 days ago
Sounds exciting but I do agree with Josh. Lots of times water laws are in place where you're not legally allowed to use water for growing... and only for domestic use. Also indeed there can be other "funny" things that aren't out in the open where a relator can maybe shed some light on. Specifically permitting and land use stuff... sometimes lands cheap but the process of starting a build can be very expensive. Either way good luck!
5 days ago
Hey fellow Permies! Here's a cool video I just made on my friend and neighbor Thomas's Earthship build.... it's a mudroom entry way we are building out of repurposed windows. Hope everyone likes it/gets some ideas out of the video!

If you like Earthship and alternative build content follow our channel! Owner Builders Unite!

6 days ago
Hey Ned

Thanks for watching and good questions/comments about the work parties.

It certainly doesn't hurt to be good at throwing parties but not necessary... luckily me and Matt live in a pretty cool small community where there's a lot of alternative building going on. Everything from Earthships, Strawbales, Earthbags, rammed Earth, just to name a few. So being around others in a small area all doing similar things kinda help you work with each other and live closely verses more populated areas let alone cites where you might not even know your neighbors. Earthship Biotecture and Michael Reynolds who founded Earthships in Taos, NM (just 2 hours away from us) had a similar situation over the years. A lot of people wanting to build alternatively in small rural areas...

We all work jobs and have regular schedules and lives as well... but there's always the weekends! Some people like to go out to dinner or watch sports with there friends and others like to live off grid and live a life style that let's you help your crazy neighbors build alternative houses! haha I guess you gotta be crazy to want to pound all those tires anyways!

Either way thanks for the thoughtful question and hope some of my explanation helps! You're certainly right though... a lot of people aren't in positions to have "work parties" with friends doing similar things so for that I feel extremely grateful.

2 weeks ago
Hey fellow Permies! Here's a video I just did with my neighbor and buddy Matt on our YouTube channel, "Owner Builders Unite". We go over some things you can save on while building your Earthship and the process that both of us went through while building ours.

If you like alternative building and Earthships give it a like! Thanks everyone for reading and watching!
2 weeks ago
Last one from the DVD "Hands on Straw Bale" with our friend Curtis... I posted the other 2 parts in the forums here too but feel free to find them on my YouTube channel Owner Builders Unite.

Thanks and hope people get some good pointers, and tips from this gem!

3 weeks ago
Hey Samantha!

Whoops! Yes... I meant to have it start at the beginning ... thanks for catching that!

1 month ago
Hey everyone! Just wanted to share a great how to video on natural plasters mix, tips, and application on straw bale for any interested in the process!
1 month ago
How'd your build go this season btw?
1 month ago
Great footage from friend and master straw bale builder Curtis Scheib let us re post some of his "Hands on Straw Bale" DVD that he produced almost 2 decades ago to our channel. There's tons of info and the DVD is pretty long but we are going to release parts of it over time on our channel. Here is the second part of said DVD... hope everyone likes it and more to come!


1 month ago