Roberto Barbagallo

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since Jun 26, 2010
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I'm thinking to build a rocket stove mass heater but instead of the bricks or metal pipes, I'd like to use those flexible tubes. Would they work? And what about the insulate base layer made with glass bottles? A friend is using this technique for the insulated layer in his cob ovens.

many thanks from Sicily, Italy
12 years ago
Prossimo corso di Permacultura in Sicilia
con Saviana Parodi e Elio di Landa

Quando:23 settembre - 06 ottobre.

Luogo: Zafferana Etnea (CT) - B&B Sotto i pini

Costo: 420 € tenda - 450 € non residenti - 550 € residenti(*)

Serena Bonura 338.2178989 - Peppe Arena 333.6563572

more infos
13 years ago
Hi all

this could be the definitive winning technique against brambles, without using pig (Holzer school) or doing the pig's job (Holzer alternative ).
Couple of weeks ago I went visiting some gardens during a PDC and in one of this the owner have planted, many years ago, a first row of J artichoke, just in front of a crawling wall of brambles. Well now the artichokes are the wall, advancing downhill some meters and the brambles cant pass this wall!!

any similar experiences?

13 years ago
please contact me when you'r approaching the island cos many things and project are changing so I con keep u updated on the status of permaculture here.
13 years ago
such nice patch by the way. I dont think the would survive in the climate I had (now moved to another place) in the area and with no shadow nor much water to use.
Anyway to be back to the fennel mulch, I think that is true is better for mycelium, but I think for use it' easier to spray a liquid that to mulch around already enstablished plants, at least in my bed set. But I'm not sure the value of P would be transfer at the same rate.

13 years ago
Hi guys

I'm now moving from the Vigna Verde project in Comiso to Valle delle Pezze in Ragusa Ibla's natural park one for a permaculture community camp (tipi and suck) where we are trying to also enstablish a community sufficiency, experimental policuluture, food forest and so on. So send me a text when you'r around and I hope we'll be working and living together !! Carpentry skills are always welcomed like the food from our beloved forests but any skill is a valid skill to trade and learn from!

keep in touch

13 years ago
We had borage in spring but now is totally dry and just few survived the heat. In one of the projects I'm following there is no shaded area but I will check the crimson for the second food forest project. It's hard to find a cover crop for this kind of summer. Cheers!
13 years ago
what living mulch are you using for the summer? Here I think I'll cover most of the garden with pumpkins and the wild fennel is for the phosphorous
13 years ago mulch shall be!
13 years ago
My situation is that the soil is pretty poor (in fact no worms only insectary activity) and is invaded by the wild oat and Cynodon dactylon (couch grass, devil's grass). I guess the nature is trying to rebuild the soil using the most organic material plant producers. That's my observation at least. Also there are no trees in this field and we are in the sicilian countryside where is starting to getting pretty hot. My question is : the direct hot sun and the high temperature arent going to influence the breaking down process?

13 years ago