I see so much about people not being willing to let go of control . . . but . . . why would anyone who has sacrificed and worked and earned some land be willing to just let it go?
Knowing how hard it was to acquire . . . gives a certain amount of life experience and "rights".
I know several older people who are willing to share and boost the next generation. But, of course, that comes with certain expectations. We all go into relationships with expectations. We go to school, take jobs, get engaged . . . all with expectations. Matching up the expectations does not seem like it should be so hard. Several older farmers are looking for someone to grow food, take care of animals, take care of the land . . . create a wage . . . and all of them tell me they can not find young partners who are willing to make the commitment and work hard.
I really don't understand why there is such a dichotomy of perceptions.