Jerry Ward

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since Sep 09, 2010
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S.E. Michigan - Zone 6a
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Recent posts by Jerry Ward

These historical farming documentaries are some of the best I've ever seen.  I wish they would do some more, but I'm not sure there is another period to cover in England.

Where my chickens are the water table is only 2' below ground level.  I'm looking for a solution to fill up their water that doesn't require power.  Something like 4-5 gallons at a time lifted a few feet.  I was considering using a post hole digger and putting in 5' of 6" PVC pipe and then just pumping out of that.

I'm wondering if something like a barrel pump would work?
7 months ago
The charger I have has 3 independent circuits that charge 3 different 12V batteries.  In my case, I have six 6V batteries in series.  Each one of the circuits of the charger is connected to two 6V batteries.

This helps prevent an imbalance of six batteries in series, not completely as it charges the batteries in pairs.  Thus my considering new chargers with a circuit for each battery.

My concern is one of these older batteries will limit the current flow of the whole series.
8 months ago
Right now I have a 12V 3-bank charger (charges batteries in pairs).  I have found a 4-bank 6V/12V charger, I'm considering getting two of these then each battery will be charged independently, but the load would draw from all of the batteries connected in series (either 6 or 8 batteries).
8 months ago
To take this one step further I'm considering adding 2 more 6V batteries as my motor controller will support 36V & 48V.  I have 6 GC2 batteries from another 36V application that are maybe 10 years old, but had very light use.  How would I pick the best 2 to add to the existing 6 batteries to give me a 48V system?  I know it isn't ideal to mix battery ages in a bank, but would there be any significant problems in doing this?

I did order the hydrometer and I have a multi-meter.
8 months ago

I have a Taylor Dunn electric utility cart that has six 6V golf cart batteries (flooded lead acid).  I'm looking to understand the condition of each battery and the bank as a whole.  Can someone point me to information about how to test & understand 6V FLA batteries?

8 months ago
I think I might be just a bit too cold.  While it doesn't happen often, I think we get at least a few nights each winter in that -10 range.  If I knew enough about my land I might be able to identify an area with a micro-climate that would be that few degrees warmer, but I'm not that skilled yet.
10 months ago
just found this thread.  I'm in S.E. MI (zone 6a).  Will this grow in my area?
10 months ago
Uncle Mudd,

My project stalled, I ended up building a house.  It will probably be spring before I get back to it.

Will you be running a workshop again at your place in OH?

1 year ago
Victorian, Edwardian & Tudor Monastery Farm are all available as part of Amazon Prime in the US