Larry Schlicker

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since Sep 19, 2010
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Recent posts by Larry Schlicker

Tony Muhley wrote:Insulation-Larry did you ever get the Exterior Insulated with Spray Foam? I am in Seattle and was curious about condensation problems with the steel walls without using spray foam on the Interior???

No issues with condensation. I used spray foam on the roof to seal it and the back and end wall because it was going to get buried. The interior has R-12 in all the wall's and ceiling. So I am sorta double insulated.
12 years ago
Hey all, it's been a while since I have checked in and gave an update on my shipping container cabin, so thought I would share a few final things I have done. It is now totally complete.
The rock hearth was one of the things I have been putting off, but finally tackled it. All the stones were gathered from the land it sits on.

A few other last things I have done was to find some uses for the left over metal from cut outs.
First one is a small wood shelter, holds about one cord.

Next is window awnings.

And last is the vent well's.

Well that's it! All done and ready for any emergency. Kinda like insurance, hope you never have to have it, but glad its there if you do.
12 years ago

Brian Rodgers wrote:New here my name is Brian Rodgers from northern New Mexico
Beautiful home and project

Thanks Brian, and welcome to the forum!
13 years ago

Ryan Bandera wrote:

Larry McCoy wrote:Thinking about putting in a bowling alley in the east wing now

Oh, Larry "Rockerfeller" McCoy, I have seen you at socials!

13 years ago
If you will look at the bottom picture and at the bottom corner of the container, you can see the ground cable which is connected to a copper rod going 6' into the ground.
13 years ago
Well it has been about a year and a half since I started the shipping container cabin and I'm proud to say it is finally completed. The last things to get finished were the restroom and solar water heater. The cabin can now stand pretty well on its own with the solar electric and solar water heater. I am still hooked to the grid and that wont change, but should the grid fail, I will be in good shape.
Here are a few final pictures, but my blog has lots more.

The restroom

Some uses for cut out metals.
Window awnings.

Vent wells.

Fire Wood shelter.

I still have lots of metal left and will continue to find uses for it till it is all gone. 
13 years ago

jeannacav wrote:

Oh one more thing, the composting toilet is making flies.
I sealed off the room with tape and later,I will remove the toilet and give it its own house once the flies are finished proliferating.


I also started having a gnat issue, so I started doing some research and found that it usually happens when the compost is to dry. The moister level should be kept between 40-60%. There are some pesticides out there that you are supposed to be able to use that will not destroy the bacteria that you need to break down the wast, one of them is diatomaceous earth. Diatomaceous earth  is the one I am going to try, it is not very expensive and comes in a dry form, so you can just sprinkle some in before turning the drum.
Will keep you posted. 
13 years ago
A 1920 perfection kerosene stove does it for me.
13 years ago

TheDirtSurgeon wrote:

Your "little cabin" is nicer than my house.   

I've been asked to design & build a single container house for farm help housing for a friend... it won't be nearly as fancy, but your project is definitely inspirational. 

Thank you dirtsurgeon, and good luck with the project, would love to see pics of it if you decide to take it on.
13 years ago