Ak Dave

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since Nov 17, 2010
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14 years ago
Well said, Kathleen! The major textbook in the Horticulture class I am now taking at the J.C. is the text for the Master Gardner's course that I hope to be accepted in next year. Here in CA the MG program is almost free (except for the text and forty hours of indentured service). Since KsMama can't take the M.G. program 'till next year anyway, she might as well be taking something that will make her more hireable, so she can begin that apprenticeship. Then she can get some dirt under those fingernails and money in the pocket ASAP! That said, I still think it important that she have something that establishes that she has completed a program that touches all of the bases in an organized manner.

I remember how it was, going to college with four kids at home. It was no picnic, but it was worth it.
14 years ago

Ludi is right on. Get the catalog from Ecology Action. And get and read the two books. (Be sure you get the NEW edition of 'How to Grow…', it was published this year and has a lot of refinements.) Then, read 'Backyard Homestead Mini-Farm'. I saved a bundle by getting mine through Amazon.com.

If you are going to garden REALLY intensively; I suspect that four foot wide beds might be more productive than the five foot ones recommended. I don't have any trouble reaching 32", but I sure have trouble working at that distance. I also suspect that Jeavons' version of "double digging" (I have called it 'one and a half digging') is superior to what others call "double digging". It doesn't invert the soil strata.

'Common Ground' is close to my home, and I have taken classes from John Jeavons there. How I envy Ludi's visiting 'The Farm' at Willits. However the workshops there are toooo pricey for me. I Read.

14 years ago
Are  you looking at an MA, BS, AA, or Certificate?
14 years ago
Does your state have a 'Master Gardner' Program?
14 years ago