Joe Woodall

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since Nov 25, 2010
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Come be a part of the 2018 class of Georgia Adobe Home™ Builders !
The Years First Of Our Building Seminars Is Scheduled for MARCH 26, 27, 28, 29 &
being held at our office in Commerce, GA. 30530
Cost is $995. per person.
Full Details Are At:
7 years ago
Were Back - From The Memorial Week Vacation & Ready For The World !
Are You Ready To Go With Us ?

Georgia Adobe (TM) The Building Of The Future Available Today, Is Looking For Independent Building Contractors To Be Our Builders In Every State Of The USA & World Wide Too ! Email Us At With Your Contact Info Or Call 706-363-6453 To Get Started

Be Sure & Invite Your Like Minded Friends To Join Us At Our Facebook Forum At
9 years ago
Due to a heavy work schedule in 2015 , the seminars at our office will not be possible.

If your interested in volunteering to help on a public Georgia Adobe(TM) Project contact us at

Best Regards
Joe Woodall, Ecoitect
Georgia Adobe (TM)
9 years ago
One of the subjects covered in our seminar is :
Where Can & Should You Build A Georgia Adobe Home (TM) At & Why ?

At Our Seminars, We Try To Help You Choose The Right Place, But For Now,
Please Share With Us :
1) Some Of Your Best Choices Of Places To Build An Off Grid Home And
2) Why You Would Choose To Build It There

Here's an interesting answer we heard about : The Countryside Of Spain.
There they say that a person can buy an entire village, for as little
as $75K
& if you own the village - you make the rules !

Here's A Link To That Story

Still Plenty of Time To Sign Up For The Georgia Adobe Building Seminar
Register At Our Web Site Noted Above In Our 1st Post Call With Any Questions 706-363-6453 .
10 years ago

Georgia Adobe (TM) Home Owners are in a very unique position. They don't require an economy any longer to survive ! Once constructed, the building provides for their needs of shelter, heat & cooling, power, fuel, water and food production. So past that point very few things are required to live in this world, except a little money.

I attended an auction yesterday – I even recorded the values placed upon most of the new merchandise, as sellers presented it for sale. It all made me recall again how that, once we Humans valued our own production of goods, as the greatest of all values and traded those goods and services amongst each other, without any price or money required. The value of highly productive land and agriculture, the building of a good home and family life, while caring for those we loved, along with some enjoyment and relaxation, was so important that it previously was the measure, of our accomplishments from a lifetime of work.

I am not a communist, yet it is plain to see that today, mankind only values and produces money, as their real worth ! If you don’t have money, well - your just out of luck ! Want a home ? Well then, you will need money to buy certain specified services, & products & you will need permission from assigned government managers as well.

It was the governments and bankers of history, that initiated this change to money and permissions long ago, not only to guide the control and access of assets, but to direct people and those assets, over into the government and bankers favor, and at prices and terms , they could monopolize !

Sitting there, at that auction, it again occurred to me just as it did decades ago the thoughts, that If mankind could only be free, just to live upon his own land, and produce what he wished, without money being involved, nor ever being required to obtain someone else s permission just to utilize his own lands, a far greater production and a general simplification of life, would ensue. If a families home could be built, that could take care of them - instead of them having to build something that requires money to build it and to take care of it too, we would again be free, to enjoy our lives ! And, if we could just trade our goods for other products or services, rather than having to use or account for trades in monetary value, so as to be taxed upon those trades, we might all could have far more of a harvest, than is possible from the present economic system.

This is why I have always felt that, an end of the monetary economy and a return to an agrarian value and a barter system, would benefit mankind as a whole, far greater than any money - could ever have been hoped to have done. We could choose to strive daily, to make our piece of earth produce greater crops, as we needed them and without restrictions.

Would all be able to share in the harvest‘s ? If they produced, yes ! And, If there were no restrictions on land, or agriculture, nor any monetary compensations nor taxation required, we would never again have to consider the mindset of money, that divides us all.

Striving to make something special, of real value, right where we live would be the most important things again, rather than scheming to make money, or stop others from doing the same, just to pay someone else, money.

What then, would we have to fight over ? Become educated in the ways of Ecoitecture (TM) - Join us in the battle for Freedom !

Best Regards,
Joe Woodall, Ecoitect
Georgia Adobe Ecoitecture (TM)

10 years ago
Georgia Adobe (TM) World Model Home (TM)

* Has All The Modern Luxuries You Expect
* Built From Rammed Earth, Up To 80% Recycled & Natural Materials
* Heats And Cools Itself In All Environments
* Can Be Built Almost Everywhere
* Is An Earth Sheltered Home
* Receives Passive & Active Solar Energy
* Is Protected From Rapid Weather Changes
* Has No Mortgage
* Has No Electricity Bills
* Has No Fuel Bills
* Reuses Water Up To 4 Times
* Receives Naturally Clean Free Water From Rain Fall
* Grows Fresh Organic Food Inside The Home
* Is Totally Self-Sustainable

We offer seminars @ Georgia Adobe (TM) on our method of construction, to help future builders prepare for the battle. Were organizing a mid-Summers 2015 Seminar at Commerce, Georgia, so if this sort of thing interest you, register at our web site. The cost will be $1000. per student for 5 days of training and hands on work, on a Georgia Adobe (TM) building. The date for the class is
Mon. June 29 - Fri. July 3 2015 .

When registering a 1/2 deposit is required $500. and the balance is due at least 30 days before the event. Contact us with any questions 706-363-6453

How much power do you need in a Georgia Adobe (TM) Home is a common question. Perhaps a partial study of Page 1 from the Electrical Lab, as presented at Georgia Adobe (TM) Seminar will help you see some of what you will be learning. See that on our info page:
10 years ago
Dear Mr. Hubbard,
Yes , I got it ( the fact you were interested in Georgia Adobe ) and yes, we are doing things that are much more cutting edge than the public has access to, but as I said, we don't post pictures on this and in addition we have agreements with our clients that we, nor they, will display the same. Now, I would be delighted to answer your questions and attempt to serve you in a more professional environment than the internet, just give me a call and we will begin. Again, Thank You For Your Interest in Georgia Adobe Homes .
Best Regards
Joe Woodall
Georgia Adobe
10 years ago
Dear Mr. Hubbard,

Yes, there are; but we don't reveal information about our clients, not even photos of our past works, due to confidentiality agreements entered into with our clients. I'm confident that there are enough photos of adobe structures, posted on the internet, to entertain all the curious, thus they may to learn about that subject without our additions.

If we can better serve you, in a professional manor, please don't hesitate to call my office in Commerce GA, anytime.
Thanks for your interest in Georgia Adobe's

Best Regards,
Joe Woodall
Georgia Adobe
10 years ago
This Class Has Been Postponed.
10 years ago